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画像ファイル名:1721183208597.jpg-(66580 B)
66580 B24/07/17(水)11:26:48 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324372+ 10月09日頃消えます
Hello. I am drunk. I cannot speak Japanese. I try very hard to learn your language, but I understand none of it. But, forget language. We both know kawaii. So I will post kawaii cats, kawaii dogs, and kawaii women, and then maybe I can connect to you strange people on the other side of the planet.

Did I mention I'm drunk? I find Japanese people relate to being drunk better than anything else. Maybe being American and obnoxious is just my default, but if you drink you will become obnoxious like an American and we can become friends.
124/07/17(水)11:29:24 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324373+
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On American 2ch (do not go there, it is terrible now), we post lost of images in a single thread. It is like chatting. On 2ch, you post just one image and then get all shy and quiet. I am obnoxious drunk American. I will post all of my picture in one thread. If you get mad at me I will stop. Because I am not an asshole.
224/07/17(水)11:29:54 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324374+
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324/07/17(水)11:32:54 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324375+
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how do I "sage" a post? I thought that was originally from here. But I do not see an option.
424/07/17(水)11:35:25 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324376+
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Can anyone attempt English at me? We can become friends, even if we can barely communicate.
524/07/17(水)11:36:17 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324377+
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I had a Shiba Inu once. Long before they became the meme dog. I miss him dearly. ;_;
624/07/17(水)11:37:11 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324378+
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724/07/17(水)11:42:48 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324379+
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Its okay. I understand you Japanese people are shy. You don't want to make mistakes and say nonsense English. You want to be polite. I will keep posting though. Maybe you will like the pictures. Please tell me if you hate me. I like you, Japan. But 1 year of 2 hours study a day and I can't speak a word of your indecipherable moon runes. But pictures. Pictures mean things, don't they? Post your pictures. Don't be shy. I will not judge you. In this thread, you can do anything you want. We are all equal here.
824/07/17(水)11:44:28 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324380+
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Also, from what I understand from this site is that you all hate Koreans for some reason. I don't know why. I like them. They animated the Simpsons. Wait... I don't know why I brought that up. I am too drunk.
924/07/17(水)11:45:33 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324381+
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I know "neko." Knowing "neko" and konnichiwa is not enough to visit Japan. I have many other words to learn.
1024/07/17(水)11:49:53 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324382+
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I can just straight-up auto-translate comments. So, like, why can we not talk? Why am I not friends with Japan?

1124/07/17(水)11:54:58 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324383+
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Why do you hate me Japan? Why do you not reply?
1224/07/17(水)12:01:35 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324384+
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Maybe you are asleep. Maybe you hate me. I will post anyway. I will defy you. You will have pictures to look at. You will like them. Then you will not give me attention. And then I will be sad.
1324/07/17(水)12:18:59 IP:103.155.*(xtom.jp)No.1324385+
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you may have thought I gave up. I have not. Fuck you Japan. I will annoy you into talking to me.
1424/07/20(土)14:15:27 IP:1.73.*(spmode.ne.jp)No.1324407+
Unfortunately, this is a less populated board. The number of people watching here is 2 to 5 at the most. And Japanese usually avoid having a personal relationship with others even if they are neighbours of our house to avoid trouble. We drink alcohol as a lubricant, but it is basically with our co-workers or close friends such as high school classmates.^^;

- GazouBBS + futaba-